Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stop 'n Stare.

I think I'm being mistaken for a Bollywood actress everywhere we go. Well, not really. But people are staring at me. All the time.

So our Lonely Planet tells us that Indian women travelling with American or European males are often stared at. Leer is the proper term. If Chris is alone, he doesn't get stares. If I am alone I don't get stares. But when we are together, look out. The other day I had on jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt, and my hair was a mess. And yet? Men just gazed intensely. Their stares are somewhere between a look that signifies that they are spitting on me and a look that signifies they are undressing me. It was a relief to run into another couple from the west yesterday. They were from Vancouver, and the woman was of Chinese origin while the male was of European decent. She'd been having a similar experience. She said the worst of it was in Rajasthan, where we don't go until June 12. Fun.

Frankly, I don't give a damn because if I do it will ruin my trip, and there's so much that is wonderful to take in. I've come up with a tactic. I need to learn how to ask, "Do you need my autograph?"

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